Friday Feb 08, 2019
Diginomica Episode #25 - Lora Cecere on the broken supply chain
Friday Feb 08, 2019
Friday Feb 08, 2019
Lora Cecere has spent her entire career working in the supply chain arena as both practitioner and analyst. Most recently, she delivered a message to practitioners that says we're looking at supply chains from the wrong end of the proverbial telescope. Instead of looking inside out we should be looking outside in, focusing on value-based outcomes driven by market signals and not, as is currently the case, based on the primacy of orders as the lead indicator for what should be planned for in the supply chain. It's a wakeup call for a world where healthcare is moving to wellness and where some forecasts say that the world will not be able to feed itself by 2050.
In this discussion, Lora recaps the main points of her current thinking and offers a framework for the future that includes the use of advanced technologies including machine learning for essential tasks like data cleansing.
She also has a warning for the usual suspects - the startup world is coming to get you.